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IONIQ Sciences Awarded Another Patent

IONIQ Sciences awarded another patent for “an apparatus for providing information that is useful in the diagnosis of a malignant lung lesion”

IONIQ’s newest Notice of Allowance by the State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China (SIPO) covers critical advancements and refinements to our proprietary algorithm, which calculates the likelihood a patient with an indeterminate lung nodule has lung cancer. This new patent provides IONIQ Sciences with another valuable corporate asset. Our growing intellectual property portfolio now consists of 11 patents and 5 patent applications covering Australia, Canada, China, the European Union, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, South Korea and the United States.

Lung cancer is a scourge around the globe. In China, lung cancer accounts for 24% of all cancers. Lung cancer kills almost as many people as the next two cancers combined in large part because it is most often diagnosed in the latest stages of the disease. However, the clinical evidence shows the five-year survival rate can be dramatically improved 5x to nearly 80% by shifting the diagnosis to the earliest, most treatable stages. The clinical trial results from IONIQ’s most recent clinical trial (PLW-216) clearly demonstrate the IONIQ ProLung Test™ can help accelerate a physician’s diagnosis of lung cancer and we stand ready to make a positive difference for those suffering from lung cancer.